Correction, article no. 3671: Importance of the patient's clinical questionnaire for the diagnosis of skin cancer through teledermatology in remote areas of Brazil

Carlos Eduardo G Silveira1 Masters, Doctor *

Fabiana de Lima Vazquez2 PhD, Researcher

Adriane F Evangelista3 PhD, Doctor

Thiago Silva4 PhD, Research coordinator 

Laise C Barros5 Postgraduate degree, Doctor

José Humberto TG Fregnani6 PhD, Doctor

Cleyton Z Oliveira7 Masters, Biostatistician

René AC Vieira8 PhD, Doctor

Raphael L Haikel9 PhD, Doctor

Adhemar Longatto-Filho10 PhD, Researcher

André L Carvalho11 PhD, Doctor

Edmundo C Mauad12 PhD, Doctor
* Carlos Eduardo G Silveira
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Barretos Cancer Hospital - Pio XII Foundation, Barretos, Sao Paulo, Brazil
23 June 2017 Volume 17 Issue 2
RECEIVED: 22 June 2017
ACCEPTED: 23 June 2017
Silveira CG, De Lima Vazquez F, Evangelista AF, Silva T, Barros LC, Fregnani JT, Oliveira CZ, Vieira RA, Haikel RL, Longatto-Filho A, Carvalho AL, Mauad EC. Correction, article no. 3671: Importance of the patient's clinical questionnaire for the diagnosis of skin cancer through teledermatology in remote areas of Brazil. Rural and Remote Health 2017; 17: 4496.
© Carlos Eduardo G Silveira, Fabiana de Lima Vazquez, Adriane F Evangelista, Thiago Silva, Laise C Barros, José Humberto TG Fregnani, Cleyton Z Oliveira, René AC Vieira, Raphael L Haikel, Adhemar Longatto-Filho, André L Carvalho, Edmundo C Mauad 2017 A licence to publish this material has been given to James Cook University,
This article is a corrigendum to article 3671
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Rural and Remote Health readers are advised that the following correction has been made to:
Silveira CG, Vazquez FL, Silva TB, Barros LC, Fregnani JTG, Oliveira CZ, Vieira RAC, Haikel RL, Longatto A, Carvalho AL, Mauad EC. Importance of the patient's clinical questionnaire for the diagnosis of skin cancer through teledermatology in remote areas of Brazil. Rural and Remote Health (Internet) 2016; 16: 3671. Available: (Published 21 October 2016).
The third author, Adriane Feijó Evangelista, was initially omitted from the article, although she made substantial contributions to the analysis and interpretation of data. This author and her contact details have now been added to the published article.
Also, the name of the tenth author, Adhemar Longatto, has been amended to Adhemar Longatto-Filho.