qualifications: PhD
contribution: original concept
position: Chair of Medical Education
Tarun Sen Gupta is Professor of Health Professional Education and Head of the Townsville Clinical School at the James Cook University College of Medicine and Dentistry, North Queensland, Australia. He was in rural practice in Richmond, north-west Queensland from 1987-1993, and has worked in rural medical education since 1993. He is a Rural Generalist Training Adviser for Queensland's Rural Generalist Pathway, a board member of the Rural Doctors Association of Queensland and the Rural Doctors Foundation, and Chair of the ACRRM Assessment Committee.
qualifications: MD
position: Dean
medical education, rural health care, workforce
qualifications: MS
position: Education officer
Originally from Liverpool in the UK where I worked as a public health intelligence analyst at Liverpool John Moores University, I now work in Brisbane at the University of Queensland. As a research officer in the Faculty of Health Sciences, I am looking into cancer incidence and mortality in psychiatric patients. I am researching the hypothesis psychiatric patients are diagnosed with cancer at a more advanced stage and / or they fail to access treatment services to the same degree as the general population. As a result, although they are no more likely to get cancer, they are far more likely to die from it. Previous roles have included Evaluation Coordinator in the School of Medicine & Dentistry at James Cook University in Townsville, far north Queensland; the only regional University in Australia offering medicine and dentistry. The curriculum focused heavily on rural and remote health and the School actively recruits students from regional, rural and remote areas of Australia as well as overseas. As a result, more than half of their graduates practice medicine outside of the main capital centres. I have also worked as a criminal intelligence analyst for the police.
COVID-19 in endangered Indigenous groups from the Amazonia, Ecuador
Experiences of rural Australian men with online SMART Recovery mutual-help groups
Attraction and retention of nurses in rural, remote and isolated locations
Obstetric outcomes across US urban and rural hospitals
11th Biennial Pacific Region Indigenous Doctors Congress (PRIDoC) 2024, 2–6 December 2024, Kaurna Country, Adelaide, Australia
web link
Te Tāreitanga: Evolving understanding of health workforce research, 9 December 2024, Dunedin, NZ, and online
web link
4th International Indigenous Health & Wellbeing Conference 2025, 16–19 June 2025, Adelaide Convention Centre, Kaurna Country, Australia
web link