qualifications: PhD
contribution: original concept, designed the project, devised survey tool, literature review, supplied data, supervised data collection, statistical analysis, wrote the first draft, contributed to drafts
position: Voluntary assistant professor
United States
Dr Caban-Martinez is currently board certified in public health (CPH) and is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Environmental Health at the Harvard School of Public Health and a voluntary assistant professor at the University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine. His research primarily examines the morbidity and mortality of occupational workers, with specialty in musculoskeletal epidemiology. He has been serving as the epidemiologist on annual (since 2009) health care service fair to rural areas of the dominican republic.
qualifications: MPH
contribution: literature review, statistical analysis, wrote the first draft, original concept, contributed to drafts
position: Medical student
United States
qualifications: MPH
contribution: designed the project, input data, wrote the first draft
position: Medical student
qualifications: BS
contribution: devised survey tool, collected data, contributed to drafts
position: Medical student
qualifications: MPH
contribution: designed the project, devised survey tool, contributed to drafts
position: Medical student
qualifications: MA
contribution: designed the project, devised survey tool, supervised data collection, contributed to drafts
position: Medical student
qualifications: BS
contribution: designed the project, devised survey tool, statistical analysis, contributed to drafts
position: Medical student
qualifications: BS
contribution: designed the project, devised survey tool, collected data, supervised data collection, contributed to drafts
position: Medical student
qualifications: BS
contribution: designed the project, supervised data collection, collected data, statistical analysis, contributed to drafts
position: Medical student
qualifications: MD
contribution: designed the project, contributed to drafts
position: Clinical professor
qualifications: PhD
contribution: designed the project, literature review, statistical analysis, wrote the first draft, contributed to drafts
position: Professor
Creating positive early rural placements in medical education
Discharge against medical advice in rural and remote emergency departments
Retention of early-career GPs as independent specialists in former training practices
Rural GP Association of Scotland (RGPAS) Annual Conference #RGPAS24, 15–17 November 2024, Inverness, Scotland
web link
11th Biennial Pacific Region Indigenous Doctors Congress (PRIDoC) 2024, 2–6 December 2024, Kaurna Country, Adelaide, Australia
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4th International Indigenous Health & Wellbeing Conference 2025, 16–19 June 2025, Adelaide Convention Centre, Kaurna Country, Australia
web link