qualifications: BSc
contribution: collected data, original concept, contributed to drafts, devised survey tool
position: Student
qualifications: PhD
contribution: original concept, designed the project, wrote the first draft, contributed to drafts, devised survey tool
position: Senior lecturer
Yusuf is a food scientist, working with department of Food Science and Technology, Makerere University. His research interests include understanding the relationship beween nutrition and health, How nutrition can be used to improve the health of the poor and adapting nutrition communication methods to the diverse communities in Africa.
qualifications: PhD
contribution: designed the project, literature review, contributed to drafts
position: Senior lecturer
Nutritionists with special interest on research that evaluate intervention strategies to improve nutrition among women and young children.
qualifications: BSc
contribution: devised survey tool, input data, statistical analysis
position: Research assistant
COVID-19 in endangered Indigenous groups from the Amazonia, Ecuador
Experiences of rural Australian men with online SMART Recovery mutual-help groups
Attraction and retention of nurses in rural, remote and isolated locations
11th Biennial Pacific Region Indigenous Doctors Congress (PRIDoC) 2024, 2–6 December 2024, Kaurna Country, Adelaide, Australia
web link
Te Tāreitanga: Evolving understanding of health workforce research, 9 December 2024, Dunedin, NZ, and online
web link
4th International Indigenous Health & Wellbeing Conference 2025, 16–19 June 2025, Adelaide Convention Centre, Kaurna Country, Australia
web link