Profiles And Contributions To This Article

Household practices of mothers regarding neonatal care in rural & urban settings of the capital district of Azad Jammu & Kashmir

Irum  Gilani

Irum Gilani

qualifications: MSPH

position: Assistant Professor


Policy Initiative & Development Planning: Dr. Gilani prepared draft legislation of the "Azad Jammu & Kashmir Transfusion of Safe Blood Act, 2003" and she was successful in its promulgation. In compliance with the Act, she prepared PC-I (Planning Commission Performa # 1) document for the developmental project "Safe Blood Transfusion Services in AJK (2003-09)" for the purpose of establishment of infrastructure for Blood Transfusion Services (BTS) in AJK with emphasis on prevention of diseases like HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B, C, Syphilis and Malaria. Successful Revitalization from the Damages Caused by the Earthquake: Unfortunately Earthquake of Oct 8, 2005 demolished AJK Central BTS along with its satellite Blood Transfusion Centers in earthquake hit districts of AJK. Her efforts in revitalization had been fruitful and AJK Central BTS was restored as the first revitalized department in the AJK Health Sector. Successful Implementation & Completion of the Project: She was able to achieve planned physical and financial targets of the project in the specified time period in- spite of the damages caused by the Disaster of the Oct 8, 2005. Liabilities & the Staff of the Project: has been shifted on permanent/revenue budget by the department of Finance which is a rare happening in public sector. PC-1 of "NBTS Project" in AJK: She prepared and got approval of the German government sponsored project document for the "National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS) Project (2009-14)" in AJK with an allocated cost of 129.29 million rupees (Pakistani). Efforts for Integration: She has been integrating activities regarding Safe Blood Transfusion of all the programs being implemented in AJK in order to maximize benefits to the public.

Ziyad A Kayani

Ziyad Kayani

qualifications: FCPS

position: Assistant Professor

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