Profiles And Contributions To This Article

Using a participatory action research framework to listen to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia about pandemic influenza

Adrian  Miller

Adrian Miller

qualifications: MPH

contribution: original concept

position: Professor of Indigenous research

Professor Adrian Miller Adrian is of the Jirrbal people of North Queensland and is the Professor of Indigenous Research at Griffith University leading the Indigenous Research Network. His previous appointments include Professor and Head of School at Southern Cross University's College of Indigenous Australian Peoples; Senior Lecturer at James Cook University; Founding Head of the Department of Indigenous Studies at Macquarie University and Deputy Head of School at James Cook University's School of Indigenous Australian Studies. Professor Miller has a research track record in competitive grants with both the Australian Research Council (ARC) and National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) grant schemes. During the past 18 years in higher education, his experience has been in management, leadership, academic program development, teaching and research and has made significant contributions to Indigenous health and education. The highly collaborative manner in which he has undertaken research has contributed to intellectual and methodological developments in these fields.

Peter  Massey

A/Prof Peter Massey

qualifications: DrPH

contribution: designed the project

position: Program manager health protection, Clinical nurse consultant


Areas of interest and work: - Communicable diseases - Immunisation - Aboriginal health - Equity focus for health protection

Jenni  Judd

Jenni Judd

qualifications: DHSc

contribution: supervised data collection

position: Principal Research Fellow


Indigenous health; health promotion; rural and remote health; qualitative research; public health

Jenny  Kelly

Jenny Kelly

qualifications: PhD

contribution: supervised data collection

position: Senior Research Fellow


I have a nursing and midwifery background with additional qualifications and experience in adult education, women's studies and public health. I am a qualitative researcher and my research areas include, rural and remote health, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, maternity care, mental health literacy and telehealth.

David  Durrheim

David Durrheim

qualifications: DrPH

contribution: designed the project

position: Professor of public health and medical practice


Communicable disease control International public health

Alan R Clough

Prof Alan Clough ORCID logo

qualifications: PhD

contribution: contributed to drafts

position: Associate professor


Alan Clough (PhD, LLBHons) Professor School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine & Rehabilitation Science and School of Indigenous Australian Studies James Cook University (Cairns Campus) PO Box 6811 Cairns, Queensland 4870 Australia Ph: 61 07 4042 1798 Fax: 61 07 4042 1675 Mobile: 61 0417 844 161

Rick  Speare

Rick Speare

qualifications: PhD

contribution: original concept

position: Emeritus professor


I am interested in infectious diseases and their control, particularly in resource poor settings.

Sherry   Saggers

Sherry Saggers

qualifications: PhD

contribution: designed the project

position: Professor


Sherry Saggers, PhD, is Professor and Project Leader of the Social Contexts of Substance Use at the National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology. An anthropologist, she has researched and published on Indigenous health, substance use, well being and community development; the sociology of the children, families and young people; and on the evaluation of health and comunity programs across Australia.

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