Profiles And Contributions To This Article

Traumatic injury and access to care in rural areas: leveraging linked data and geographic information systems for planning and advocacy

Paula  Yuma

Dr Paula Yuma

qualifications: PhD, MPH

contribution: Study conception and design, Drafting of manuscript

position: Assistant Professor

Dr. Yuma studies the effects of environmental, economic and social characteristics of neighborhoods on the health and well-being of individuals, with an overall goal of eliminating health disparities.

Rebecca  Orsi

Dr Rebecca Orsi

qualifications: PhD

contribution: Study conception and design, Acquisition of data

position: Research Scientist

Rebecca (Becky) Orsi PhD conducts research and evaluation in child protective service systems. She is experienced with advanced statistical methods for child maltreatment research using both administrative and survey data. Her research interests include improved outcomes for children in CPS systems, community risk factors for maltreatment, adoption, and secondary traumatic stress in the child welfare workforce. As a research methodologist, Dr. Orsi actively collaborates with researchers across a variety of academic fields. Dr. Orsi holds an MS in Statistics and a PhD in Research Methodology from Colorado State University.

Julie A Dunn

Dr Julie Dunn

qualifications: MD, FACS

contribution: Study conception and design, Critical revision

position: Surgeon and Chair of Trauma Research

I am a practicing acute care surgeon (trauma and emergency general surgery), am a member of the Committee on Trauma and interested in acccess in rural and frontier environments

Victoria   Kenyon

Ms Victoria Kenyon

qualifications: MSW

contribution: Acquisition of data, Drafting of manuscript

position: Research Coordinator

Ms. Victoria Kenyon, MSW recently graduated from Colorado State University, previoulsy earning a BA in Psychology from Stonehill College, Easton, MA. Tori participated as a Graduate Research Assistant while at CSU, passionate about child welfare and public health research. Tori is currently practicing as a high school based psychotherapist in Bozeman, MT and continues to collaborate with the CSU Social Work Research Center to provide program evaluation assistance, and participation in various projects.

Elizabeth  Tulanowski

Ms Elizabeth Tulanowski

qualifications: MS

contribution: Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting of manuscript

position: Instructor and Coordinator

Elizabeth Tulanowski, M.S., is a GIS Instructor in the Colorado State University Warner College of Natural Resources and serves as the Education Coordinator for CSU’s Geospatial Centroid. Her GIS interests include solving spatial problems in a variety of disciplines using the ArcGIS suite, ModelBuilder, and Python.

Lorann  Stallones

Prof Lorann Stallones

qualifications: MPH, PhD, FACE

contribution: Study conception and design, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision

position: Professor, Director

Dr. Stallones is an epidemiologist who has studied rural injuries and agricultural safety and health for more than 25 years.

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