qualifications: Master's degree
contribution: Study conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision
position: Coordinator
Nurse. PhD in Nursing and Health (Line of Education, Health and Society). Master in Nursing in the line gender, woman and health. Assistant Nurse at the Regional Hospital of Guanambi, Bahia, Brazil. I am currently a Teacher of the Nursing Course at the State University of Bahia, in the city of Guanambi, Brazil. Was coordinator of the Nursing Graduation Course at Centro Universitário FG (2018-2022). He was a professor of the nursing course at the Unifg University Center (2016-2022). Specialist in Women's Health Nursing; Specialist in Mental Health Nursing; Nursing Specialist in Obstetric and Gynecological Nursing. It deepened in research and extension in the areas ofvulnerable populations, women's health, mental health, sexual and reproductive health, sex work, sexuality, qualitative research, the theory of phenomenology and the theory of social representations.
qualifications: Master's degree
contribution: Study conception and design, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision
position: PhD Student
Doutora em Enfermagem e Saúde, Grupo Gay da Bahia, Salvador, Brazil
qualifications: Master's degree
contribution: Study conception and design, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision
position: PhD Student
Master's degree. PhD student. health Department, Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros, Montes Claros, Brazil
contribution: Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision
position: Specialist, Research Group Member
Specialist. Research Group Member. Collegiate of Nursing, Centro Universitário FG, Guanambi, Brazil
qualifications: PhD
contribution: Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision
position: Doctor, Professor
Doctor. Professor. Department of Health II, Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, Jequié, Brazil
qualifications: PhD
contribution: Study conception and design, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision
position: Doctor, Professor
qualifications: PhD
contribution: Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision
position: Doctor, Professor
Doctor. Professor. Education Department VII, Universidade do Estado da Bahia, Senhor do Bonfim, Brazil.
contribution: Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision
position: Doctor, Director
Doctor. Director. Department of Health Science, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Ilhéus, Brazil.
qualifications: Master's degree
contribution: Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision
position: PhD Student
Enfermeiro, Mestre em enfermagem, Doutorando em Enfermagem pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Abstracts from the 15th National Rural & Remote Allied Health Conference (SARRAH 2024)
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Managing multisystem parechovirus infection in a neonate
WONCA South Asia Region Conference 2025, 4–6 April 2025, Bengaluru, India
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WONCA Asia Pacific Region Conference 2025: Primary Care Transformation; Implementing High-value, High-quality Care!, 24–27 April 2025, Busan Korea
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9th European Young Family Doctors' Movement (EYFDM Forum), 25–27 April 2025, Grande Région
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Hauora Taiwhenua Rural Health Network's National Rural Health Conference, 1–3 May 2025, Ōtautahi | Christchurch, Aotearoa New Zealand
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The Global Advanced Practice Summit: Improving Healthcare and Building Global Collaboration, 13 May 2025, online
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NRHA 30th Health Equity Conference, 19–20 May 2025, Atlanta, GA, USA
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NRHA 48th Annual Rural Health Conference, 20–23 May 2025, Atlanta, GA, USA
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2025 International Rural Nursing Conference, 27–30 May 2025, Arlington, TX, USA
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BC Rural Health Conference 2025, 6–8 June 2025, Prince George, BC, Canada
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4th International Indigenous Health & Wellbeing Conference 2025, 16–19 June 2025, Adelaide Convention Centre, Kaurna Country, Australia
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14th EURIPA Rural Health Forum. Rural Reformation: Meeting Wellbeing and Healthcare Needs in Rural Communities, 26–28 June 2025, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
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Rethinking Remote 2025: Scotland's Rural Health Conference
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16th National Allied Health Conference: Empowering lives, shaping healthcare, 11–14 August 2025, Adelaide, Australia
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WONCA World Conference 2025: New Vision for Primary Health Care and Sustainable Development, 17–21 September 2025, Lisbon, Portugal
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NRHA 23rd Rural Health Clinic Conference, 23–24 September 2025, Kansas, MO, USA
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2025 Health Leadership Congress, 22–24 October 2025, Darwin, Australia
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Rural Mental Health Conference 2025 (RMHC25), 5–7 November 2025, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
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4th EURACT Medical Education Conference, 23–25 April 2026, Iasi, Romania
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9th WONCA Africa Region Conference 2026, 10 & 11 September 2026, Gaborone, Botswana
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18th National Rural Health Conference, 14–17 September 2026, Adelaide, SA, Australia