Profiles And Contributions To This Article

The Murtupuni Statement on rural generalist professional practice in Australia

Richard B Hays

Prof Richard Hays ORCID logo

qualifications: FRCGP

contribution: Study conception and design, Drafting of manuscript, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision

position: Remote Health and Medicine


medical education, rural health care, workforce

Ruth N Barker

Prof Ruth Barker ORCID logo

qualifications: PhD

contribution: Study conception and design, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision

position: Adjunct Professor

Alice  Cairns

Dr Alice Cairns ORCID logo

qualifications: PhD

contribution: Study conception and design, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision

position: Research Fellow

Vanessa Leonie Sparke

Dr Vanessa Sparke ORCID logo

qualifications: PhD

contribution: Study conception and design, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision

position: Senior Lecturer

Vanessa is an experienced Infection Prevention and Control (IP&C) professional with a specific interest in rural and remote areas. Vanessa's PhD thesis studied improving infection prevention and control in a rural hospital in the Solomon Islands using a Participatory Action Research approach. Vanessa has worked as an IP&C clinical nurse in both large metropolitan hospitals and rural and remote areas of Australia. Vanessa’s other professional interests include critical care nursing, public health, and disaster preparedness and recovery and has travelled to Vietnam to teach disaster preparedness to communities living on the Mekong Delta (AusAID funded), and to the Solomon Islands to assess IP&C practices in a rural hospital (WHO funded). Vanessa is an active member of the Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control (ACIPC) LMI Special Interest Group and Education & Professional Development Committee, and a founding member of the Collaborative for Advancement of Infection Prevention and Control - a collaborative between Griffith University, University of the Sunshine Coast and JCU.

Ruth A Stewart

Prof Ruth Stewart

qualifications: DRANZCOGadv

contribution: Study conception and design, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision

position: Director of Medical Services Eastern Sector


Role and profile Associate Professor Ruth Stewart MBBS (Uni Melb 1985), FACRRM, DRANZCOG Dr Ruth Stewart is the Director of Rural Clinical Training and Support, Associate Professor of Rural Medicine at James Cook University School of Medicine, Australia. She works clinically at Mareeba Hospital in far north Queensland as a Senior Medical Officer, is a Director of Rural Generalist Training with the Queensland Rural Generalist Program and is a member of the Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service board. Ruth worked for twenty-two years as a procedural GP in South West Victoria, Australia. And between 2008 and 2012 she worked with Deakin University where she developed and implemented the Integrated Model of Medical Education in Rural Settings (Deakin IMMERSe) for Deakin University. In December 2013 Ruth was awarded a PhD by Flinders University Faculty of Health Sciences for her thesis "Lessons from the development of a maternity managed clinical network in a low Volume rural context" Teaching Responsibilities Associate Professor Stewart is the academic lead for the Rural Internship rotation at James Cook University College of Medicine and oversees all rural placements at JCU. She is also course director for the Masters of Rural and Remote Medicine post-graduate course at JCU Research Interests Ruth's research interests are rural maternity care and policy, rural health service and rural medical education.

Sharon  Varela

Dr Sharon Varela ORCID logo

qualifications: PhD

contribution: Study conception and design, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision

position: Senior Lecturer

Bonnie E Collins

Ms Bonnie Collins

qualifications: BPhT (Hons)

contribution: Study conception and design, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision

position: Project Officer

I am a physiotherapist with a passion for rural generalism and experience working across several sectors including acute hospital, community health, outpatients and aged care. I currently work as a Project Officer for SARRAH working on the implementation of the Federally funded Allied Health Rural Generalist Pathway and Allied Health Assistant Workforce projects.

Catherine  Maloney

Ms Catherine Maloney ORCID logo

qualifications: MScMed

contribution: Study conception and design, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision

position: A/CEO

As a health leader who has built a career around about improving the lives of others, I thrive on collaborations that advance the well-being and resilience of individuals and communities. Drawing on more than thirty years’ experience in diverse roles as a physiotherapist, executive manager and company director, I have connected with people across public and private domains and across organisations to help create award-winning programs that have improved access to high quality health care.

Rodney  Omond

Dr Rodney Omond

contribution: Study conception and design, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision

position: Deputy Chair RACGP Rural Council

Tarun  Sen Gupta

Prof Tarun Sen Gupta ORCID logo

qualifications: FACRRM

contribution: Study conception and design, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision

position: Head of Clinical School


Prof Tarun Sen Gupta is Dean and Academic Head (Acting) and Head of the Townsville Clinical School at the James Cook University College of Medicine and Dentistry, North Queensland, Australia. He was in rural practice in Richmond, north-west Queensland from 1987-1993, and has worked in rural medical education since 1993. He is a Rural Generalist Training Adviser for Queensland's Rural Generalist Pathway, a board member of the Rural Doctors Association of Queensland, and Chair of the ACRRM Education Council.

Sarah  Chalmers

Dr Sarah Chalmers

qualifications: FACRRM

contribution: Study conception and design, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision

Hwee Sin  Chong

Dr Hwee Sin Chong

contribution: Study conception and design, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision

position: Executive Director

Kylie  McKenna

Kylie McKenna

qualifications: MPH

contribution: Study conception and design, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision

position: Public Health Clinical Nurse Consultant

Kristie  Forrest

Ms Kristie Forrest

contribution: Study conception and design, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision

position: Manager Rural Pathway and Rural Generalist Training

Erica  West

Dr Erica West

qualifications: FACRRM

contribution: Study conception and design, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision

position: Director of Medical Services

Jennie  Matthews

Jennie Matthews

contribution: Study conception and design, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision

position: LARU Advanced Care Paramedic

Rosalie  Ballard

Rosalie Ballard

qualifications: BN, BPO

contribution: Study conception and design, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision

position: Prosthetist/Orthotist


-prosthetics and orthotic services provided to rural and remote areas internationally

Gabrielle  Sabatino

Gabrielle Sabatino

contribution: Study conception and design, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision

position: Bachelor of Nursing Student

Jodie  Turvey

Jodie Turvey

qualifications: GradCertClinEd

contribution: Study conception and design, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision

position: Nurse Educator

Jo  Symons

Ms Jo Symons

qualifications: PGCert Rem Manag

contribution: Study conception and design, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision

position: Executive Manager Strategy & Partnerships

Jo Symons is a Physiotherapist with a breadth of rural and remote PHC experience, having worked clinically, in managerial roles and as a primary health service planning and development consultant. Jo now works in the leadership team at Health Workforce Queensland, a rural workforce agency, where she has the opportunity to collaborate to develop sustainable local health workforce solutions for the rural and remote PHC workforce and communities.

Andrew  Quabba

Mr Andrew Quabba

qualifications: GradCertHlthSc

contribution: Study conception and design, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision

position: Executive Director Allied Health

I have experience working in clinical, operational and leadership roles across rural and remote health services throughout Queensland. I hold a Bachelor of Pharmacy and a postgraduate qualification in healthcare management.

Jodi  Brown

Ms Jodi Brown ORCID logo

qualifications: MACN

contribution: Study conception and design, Drafting of manuscript, Critical revision

position: Senior Lecturer, Nursing

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