Profiles And Contributions To This Article

Do dose administration aids support medication adherence for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples? An exploration of patients’ perspectives, experiences and use on the North Coast of New South Wales

Emma  Walke

Ms Emma Walke ORCID logo

qualifications: MPhil (Med)

contribution: Study conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting of manuscript

position: Head of Indigenous Health; Academic Lead Aboriginal Health

Lesley  Barclay

Prof Emer Lesley Barclay

qualifications: PhD

contribution: Study conception and design, Critical revision

position: Emeritus Professor

Lesley Barclay (AO PhD) is the foundation Professor of Health Services Development at Charles Darwin University and co directs a new Graduate School of Health Practice. As the Chief Investigator she guided medical and midwifery colleagues in one of the first National Health and Medical Research Council Centres of Clinical Excellence in Research focusing on improvements to maternity services. She is currently leading research into maternity services in China funded by ARC in partnership Chinese colleagues, and on Indigenous birth and systems to support this in Australia. Lesley has led over 30 research projects and been successful with 8 NHMRC and ARC grants in the last decade, supervising more than 30 major research theses to successful completion. Five of her graduates are now in professorial positions. In recent years she has published 3 books, 25 refereed journal articles and 15 major reports for government. Lesley has worked in International development for nearly 20 years, as a technical adviser to governments, AusAID, World Bank and WHO, in provision of primary health car, maternal infant/child health and capacity building in health worker education systems. This work has occurred in Asia, Melanesia and the Pacific Islands. Lesley has also served on a variety of national committees such as the NHMRC Council for two terms and was an inaugural ministerial appointee to the Australian Council for Safety and Quality. She was awarded an AO in 2004 in recognition of her contribution to professional and international developments and child health.

Jo M Longman

Dr Jo Longman

qualifications: PhD

contribution: Analysis and interpretation of data, Critical revision

position: Research Fellow

Jo is a Senior Research Fellow at the University Centre for Rural Health in Lismore NSW. She is a social scientist with over 20 years’ experience in qualitative research and evaluation. Her research interests include older people with chronic conditions and potentially preventable hospitalisations; smoking in pregnancy; smoke-free homes; rural health services; and the mental health impacts of climate change.

Lindy  S Swain

A/Prof Lindy Swain

qualifications: PhD

contribution: Study conception and design, Analysis and interpretation of data, Critical revision

position: Adjunct Associate Professor

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