Volume 20

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Short Communication

Seventeen states enacted executive orders expanding advanced practice nurses’ scopes of practice during the first 21 days of the COVID-19 pandemic

Feyereisen S, Puro N.

Published 3 December 2020 North America

theme pic for article 6337

Climate change and rural mental health: a social geographic perspective

Boyd CP, Parr H.

Published 1 December 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 5741
Review Article

Strategies to increase the pharmacist workforce in rural and remote Australia: a scoping review

Obamiro KO, Tesfaye WH, Barnett T.

Published 30 November 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 6168
Review Article

Health service delivery and workforce in northern Australia: a scoping review

Edelman A, Grundy J, Larkins S, Topp SM, Atkinson D, Patel B, Strivens E, Moodley N, Whittaker M.

Published 28 November 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 5785
Original Research

National study of the impact of rural immersion programs on intended location of medical practice in New Zealand

Abid Y, Connell CJ, Sijnja B, Verstappen AC, Poole P.

Published 23 November 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 6186

Domestic migrant workers in India returning to their homes: emerging socioeconomic and health challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic

Jha SS, Lahiri A.

Published 20 November 2020 Asia

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.Original Research

Health service access and utilisation amongst culturally and linguistically diverse populations in regional South Australia: a qualitative study

Javanparast S, Naqvi S, Mwanri L.

Published 19 November 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 5666
Original Research

Urban–suburban differences in the demographics and clinical profiles of type 2 diabetic patients attending primary healthcare centres in Malta

Cardona T, Calleja N, Pullicino G.

Published 19 November 2020 Europe

theme pic for article 5610
Original Research

Decisions on cancer care by Indigenous peoples in Alberta and Saskatchewan: a narrative analysis

Roberts RA, Groot G, Carr T.

Published 13 November 2020 North America

theme pic for article 6132

Teaching psychomotor skills online: exploring the implications of novel coronavirus on health professions education

Seymour-Walsh AE, Weber A, Bell A, Smith T.

Published 6 November 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 5769

Growing the pool of rural general practitioners

O'Toole RF, Wright J.

Published 6 November 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 5930
Clinical Case Report

Clonidine for pain-related distress in Aboriginal children on a penicillin regimen to prevent recurrence of rheumatic fever

Mitchell AG, Kelly J, Cook J, Atkinson N, Spain B, Remenyi B, Wade V, Ralph AP.

Published 5 November 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 5710
Original Research

Identifying patient-related barriers in hypertension control: a multi-centered, mixed-method study in Greek rural practices

Tsimtsiou Z, Kokkali S, Tatsioni A, Birka S, Papaioannou A, Dislian V, Andreou M, Haidich AB, Oikonomidou E.

Published 3 November 2020 Europe

theme pic for article 5933
Original Research

Rural and urban disparities in oral hygiene practices among Peruvian children aged less than 12 years: Demographic and Family Health Survey 2018

Hernández-Vásquez A, Vargas-Fernández R, Azañedo D.

Published 29 October 2020 Latin America

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.Original Research

Personal resilience and rural doctors retention: a study in Indonesia

Handoyo NE, Rahayu GR, Claramita M, Ash J, Schuwirth LW.

Published 21 October 2020 Australasia

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.Original Research

Elders suffering recurrent injurious falls: causal analysis from a rural tribal community in the eastern part of India

Lahiri A, Jha SS, Chakraborty A.

Published 21 October 2020 Asia

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Original Research

Prevalence of diarrheal diseases among schools with and without water, sanitation and hygiene programs in rural communities of north-eastern Ethiopia: a comparative cross-sectional study

Gebrehiwot T, Geberemariyam BS, Gebretsadik T, Gebresilassie A.

Published 15 October 2020 Africa

theme pic for article 6020
Original Research

A bitter pill to swallow: registered nurses and medicines regulation in remote Australia

Pennington KR, Clark KD, Knight S.

Published 14 October 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 6112
Original Research

Sustainability of a rural volunteer program (Nav-CARE): a case study

Duggleby W, Pesut B, Warner G, Nekolaichuk C, Hallstrom LK, Elliott B, Swindle J, Ghosh S.

Published 10 October 2020 North America

theme pic for article 6114
Original Research

Does driving using a Green Beacon reduce emergency response times in a rural setting?

Mallinson T.

Published 6 October 2020 Europe

theme pic for article 5985
Original Research

Functional dependence among older adults: a cross-sectional study with a rural population of southern Brazil

Meucci RD, Aguiar De Oliveira AS, Araújo GC, Gonzalez TN, Pagliaro G, Hoffmann T, Marmitt LP.

Published 1 October 2020 Latin America

theme pic for article 5919
.Project Report

Indigenous Youth Mentorship Program: a descriptive case study of implementation in Alberta, Canada

Lopresti S, Willows ND, Storey KE, IYMP National Team.

Published 29 September 2020 North America

theme pic for article 5893
Research Letter

Childhood exhaust burns in rural and remote regions

Griffin BR, Ooi A, Kimble RM.

Published 28 September 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 6027

Facilitating credentialing and engagement of international physician-migrants during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond

Leung TI, Biskup E, DeWitt D.

Published 26 September 2020 Europe

theme pic for article 6325
Letter to the Editor

Clinical characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 infection in a rural area in Germany

Von Meißner WC, Strumann C, Kochen MM, Blickle PG, Wölk B, Pömsl J, Fink W, Steinhaeuser J.

Published 21 September 2020 Europe

theme pic for article 5954
Original Research

Rural–urban disparities in the distribution of dental caries among children in south-eastern Louisiana: a cross-sectional study

Afaneh H, KC M, Lieberman A, Fenton A, Santa Ana S, Staples L, Conner JM, Peters E.

Published 21 September 2020 North America

theme pic for article 5754
.Review Article

Patient and provider perspectives on eHealth interventions in Canada and Australia: a scoping review

LeBlanc M, Petrie S, Paskaran S, Carson D, Peters PA.

Published 19 September 2020 North America

theme pic for article 6404
Letter to the Editor

Mental health care in rural and remote areas necessitate greater attention during the COVID-19 pandemic

Moon J, Moon H.

Published 12 September 2020 Asia

theme pic for article 6379
Letter to the Editor

COVID-19 leads to physically severe experiences for the rural elderly in Japan, during Obon

Ohta R, Ryu Y.

Published 12 September 2020 Asia

theme pic for article 6116
Original Research

Understanding the field of rural health academic research: a national qualitative, interview-based study

O'Sullivan BG, Cairns A, Gurney TM.

Published 3 September 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 6016
Short Communication

Evaluating a centralised cancer support centre in the remote region of Northern Norway

Ervik B, Andersen S, Skirbekk H, Donnem T.

Published 2 September 2020 Europe

theme pic for article 5835
Original Research

Retaining graduates of non-metropolitan medical schools for practice in the local area: the importance of locally based postgraduate training pathways in Australia and Canada

Woolley T, Hogenbirk JC, Strasser R.

Published 31 August 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 5668
Original Research

Mechanisms to achieve a successful rural physiotherapy public–private partnership: a qualitative study

Farquhar E, Moran A, Schmidt D.

Published 31 August 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 5784
.Original Research

A virtual community-of-practice approach by rural stakeholders in managing pneumoconiosis in the USA: a cross-sectional analysis

Sood A, Assad N, Jarrell W, Kalishman S, Le Suer K, Murillo S, Myers O, Rochelle R, Salveson S, Soller B, Walker J, Wissore B, Pollard C.

Published 27 August 2020 North America

theme pic for article 6074
Research Letter

Differences in US COVID-19 case rates and case fatality rates across the urban–rural continuum

Pro G, Hubach RD, Wheeler DL, Camplain R, Haberstroh S, Giano Z, Camplain C, Baldwin JA.

Published 19 August 2020 North America

theme pic for article 5826
Original Research

What factors shape doctors’ trustworthiness? Patients’ perspectives in the context of hypertension care in rural Tanzania

Isangula KG, Seale H, Jayasuriya R, Nyamhanga TM, Stephenson N.

Published 19 August 2020 Africa

theme pic for article 5615
Original Research

Can neonatal pneumothorax be successfully managed in regional Australia?

Shen A, Yang J, Chapman G, Pam S.

Published 11 August 2020 Australasia

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Tribute to David Heaney

Wilson P, Howie J, Strasser R, Godden DJ, Ritchie L, Hines F, Parker CK.

Published 9 August 2020 Europe

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.Original Research

Exploring children’s perceptions of barriers and facilitators to physical activity in rural Northwestern Ontario, Canada

Button BL, Tillmann S, Gilliland J.

Published 7 August 2020 North America

theme pic for article 5787
.Short Communication

A severe diarrhoeal outbreak in a remote Pacific island community, Anuta Island, Solomon Islands, April–June 2019

Craig AT, Manu S, Viga R, Joshua CA, Saepioh J, Sio AR.

Published 5 August 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 5772
Original Research

Factors explaining the shortage and poor retention of qualified health workers in rural and remote areas of the Kayes, region of Mali: a qualitative study

Ag Ahmed MA, Diakité SL, Sissoko K, Gagnon MP, Charron S.

Published 31 July 2020 Africa

theme pic for article 6240
.Letter to the Editor

COVID-19 quarantine camps in Nepal – a dire and despondent state

Pokhrel S, Sedhai YR, Atreya A.

Published 29 July 2020 Asia

theme pic for article 5522
Original Research

Fluvial family health: work process of teams in riverside communities of the Brazilian Amazon

Figueira MC, Marques D, Vilela MF, Pereira JA, Bazílio J, Silva EM.

Published 17 July 2020 Latin America

theme pic for article 5946
Project Report

Barriers and bridges to implementing a workplace wellness project in Alaska

Sawchuk CN, Russo J, Ferguson G, Williamson J, Sabin J, Goldberg J, Madesclaire O, Bogucki O, Buchwald D.

Published 14 July 2020 North America

theme pic for article 5633

Capability ... what’s in a word? Rural Doctors Network of New South Wales Australia is shifting to focus on the capability of rural health professionals

Martiniuk AL, Colbran R, Ramsden R, Edwards M, Barrett E, O'Callaghan E, Bullock R, Lowe EF, Karlson D, Curnow J, Gotch B, Kramer J, Bagnulo S, Rothnie IP, Hardaker L, Turner N, Wotherspoon A, Russell C.

Published 11 July 2020 Australasia

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.Project Report

Development of the Rural Generalist Program Japan: meeting the needs of Japanese rural communities

Saito M, Schubert NS, Tsuzaki T, Sen Gupta T.

Published 9 July 2020 Asia

theme pic for article 5494
.Original Research

The 'Snake song': a pilot study of musical intervention in Eswatini

Erickson LT, Litschka-Koen T, Pons J, Bulfone TC, Bhendile G, Fuller S, Harrington E, Harrison J, Samuel S, Lewin M.

Published 6 July 2020 Africa

theme pic for article 6014
Letter to the Editor

COVID-19 in a remote village in a tropical forest – a note

Sriwijitalai W, Wiwanitkit V.

Published 3 July 2020 Asia

theme pic for article 5706
Project Report

The benefits and challenges of a rural community-based work-ready placement program for allied health students

Longman JM, Barraclough FL, Swain LS.

Published 2 July 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 5719
Review Article

Setting priorities for rural allied health in Australia: a scoping review

O'Sullivan BG, Worley P.

Published 20 June 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 5400
Original Research

Community acquired pneumonia: a cost-of-illness analysis in Greece

Naoum P, Athanasakis K, Kyriopoulos I, Liapikou A, Toumbis M, Kyriopoulos J.

Published 15 June 2020 Europe

theme pic for article 5920

Surgical care at rural district hospitals in low- and middle-income countries: an essential component of universal health coverage

Chu KM, Naidu P, Hendriks HJ, Nash J, Coetzee FJ, Esteves M, Reid S, Couper I.

Published 14 June 2020 Africa

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Support nurses and midwives to strengthen healthcare systems

Fields B, Sibanda B, Couper I.

Published 13 June 2020 Africa

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.Original Research

’Being a midwife is being prepared to help women in very difficult conditions’: midwives’ experiences of working in the rural and fragile settings of Ituri Province, Democratic Republic of Congo

Baba A, Theobald S, Martineau T, Sabuni P, Nobabo MM, Alitimango A, Raven J.

Published 13 June 2020 Africa

theme pic for article 5440
.Original Research

Risk factors for renal disease and diabetes in remote Australia – findings from The Western Desert Kidney Health Project

Jeffries-Stokes CA, Stokes AM, McDonald L, Evans S, Anderson L, Robinson PM.

Published 9 June 2020 Australasia

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Practical approaches to pedagogically rich online tutorials in health professions education

Seymour-Walsh AE, Weber A, Bell A.

Published 30 May 2020 Australasia

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Pedagogical foundations to online lectures in health professions education

Seymour-Walsh AE, Weber A, Bell A.

Published 29 May 2020 Australasia

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Adapting to a new reality: COVID-19 coronavirus and online education in the health professions

Seymour-Walsh AE, Bell A, Weber A, Smith T.

Published 26 May 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 5753
.Research Letter

Leveraging the Bonded Medical Places Scheme to attract and retain doctors in rural areas: the role of Regional Training Hubs

Cuesta-Briand B, Playford D, Kirke AB, Oldham D, Atkinson D.

Published 1 May 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 5509
.Original Research

Look at Mummy: challenges in training parents to deliver a home treatment program for childhood apraxia of speech in a rural Canadian community

Lim JM, McCabe P, Purcell A.

Published 29 April 2020 North America

theme pic for article 5690
Original Research

A direct connection promotes time efficiency for transfer of ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients

Hung S, Mou C, Chan K, Hung H, Li Y, Liu L, Lai S, Yang C, Li Y.

Published 28 April 2020 Asia

theme pic for article 5776
.Short Communication

The data deficit for asthma emergency presentations might surprise you: how RAHDaR addresses the data chasm

Terry DR, Peck B, Kloot K.

Published 24 April 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 5493
.Original Research

The place of research in the rural health workplace structure: a content analysis of a rural health organisation’s strategic and operational documents

Schmidt D, Reyment J, Kirby S, Webster EL, Lyle D.

Published 17 April 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 5399
Original Research

Too tough to ask for help? Stoicism and attitudes to mental health professionals in rural Australia

Kaukiainen A, Kõlves K.

Published 2 April 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 5692
Original Research

Dynamics of depressive symptoms and within-country migration among Peruvian women

Hernández-Vásquez A, Rojas-Roque C, Vargas-Fernández R, Bendezu-Quispe G.

Published 2 April 2020 Latin America

theme pic for article 5299
Original Research

‘It’s mostly about the job’ – putting the lens on specialist rural retention

Allen P, May J, Pegram R, Shires L.

Published 31 March 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 5424
Original Research

Health self-perception and morbidities, and their relation with rural work in southern Brazil

Martins-Silva T, Hirschmann R, Bortolotto CC, Fernandes MP, Ruivo A, Tovo-Rodrigues L.

Published 24 March 2020 Latin America

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Why we need better rural and remote health, now more than ever

Worley P.

Published 24 March 2020 Australasia

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Project Report

The increasing incidence of immigration and information-seeking behaviour of medical doctors in north-western Greece

Bazoukis X, Kalampokis N, Papoudou-Bai A, Bazoukis G, Grivas N.

Published 23 March 2020 Europe

theme pic for article 5437
.Original Research

Prevocational Integrated Extended Rural Clinical Experience (PIERCE): cutting through the barriers to prevocational rural medical education

Hanson D, Carey E, Harte J, Bond D, Manahan D, O'Connor P.

Published 11 March 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 5616
Short Communication

Developing a mobile data collection tool to manage a dispersed mental health workforce

Maddox S, Read DM, Dalton HE, Perkins DA, Powell NN.

Published 28 February 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 5552
Clinical Case Report

Supporting holistic care for patients with tuberculosis in a remote Indigenous community: a case report

Miller A, Cairns A, Richardson A, Lawrence J.

Published 26 February 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 5108
Original Research

Searching for published protocols of randomized controlled trials in primary health care: an empirical systematic approach

Papagiannopoulou E, Antoniadou C, Ntalaouti E, Ntzani E, Siamopoulos K, Tatsioni A.

Published 25 February 2020 Europe

theme pic for article 5576
Project Report

The Wequedong Lodge Cancer Screening Program: implementation of an opportunistic cancer screening pilot program for residents of rural and remote Indigenous communities in Northwestern Ontario, Canada

Chow S, Bale S, Sky F, Wesley S, Beach L, Hyett S, Heiskanen T, Gillis K, Paroschy Harris C.

Published 24 February 2020 North America

theme pic for article 5495
Original Research

Household financial contribution to the health system after Iran's Health Transformation Plan

Khammarnia M, Setoodehzadeh F, Ansari-Moghaddam A, Barfar E, Zanganeh Baygi M, Peyvand M.

Published 19 February 2020 Asia

theme pic for article 5596
Original Research

Improving the care of students with diabetes in rural schools utilizing an online diabetes education program for school personnel

Gutierrez C.

Published 14 February 2020 North America

theme pic for article 5334
Original Research

Factors associated with rural work for nursing and allied health graduates 15–17 years after an undergraduate rural placement through the University Department of Rural Health program

Playford D, Moran MC, Thompson S.

Published 31 January 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 5485

Improving access to phosphorus- and sodium-restricted foods for people living with chronic kidney disease in remote First Nations

Schiff R, Freill H.

Published 31 January 2020 North America

theme pic for article 5141
Original Research

Acute gastrointestinal illness in an African Indigenous population: the lived experience of Uganda’s Batwa

Patterson K, Clark S, Berrang-Ford L, Lwasa S, Namanya DB, Twebaze F, Team I, Harper SL.

Published 21 January 2020 Africa

theme pic for article 5341
Original Research

Support for rural practice: female physicians and the life–career interface

Stutzman K, Ray Karpen R, Naidoo P, Toevs SE, Weidner A, Baker E, Schmitz D.

Published 19 January 2020 North America

theme pic for article 5180
Original Research

Satisfaction of patients and primary care professionals with a teleophthalmology-based screening programme for diabetic retinopathy in a rural area in Castilla y León, Spain

Valpuesta Martin Y, Pacheco Callirgos G, Maroto Martín T, Piriz Veloso M, Hernández Santamaría S, López Gálvez M.

Published 16 January 2020 Europe

theme pic for article 5448
Original Research

Virtually caring: a qualitative study of internet-based mental health services for LGBT young adults in rural Australia

Bowman S, Nic Giolla Easpaig B, Fox R.

Published 15 January 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 5237
Original Research

Food insecurity and malnutrition in vulnerable households with children under 5 years on the Ecuadorian coast: a post-earthquake analysis

Herrera-Fontana ME, Chisaguano A, Villagomez V, Pozo L, Villar M, Castro N, Beltran P.

Published 15 January 2020 Latin America

theme pic for article 5214
Original Research

Distribution of child health indicators according to internal migration and various social variables in Turkey

Santas G, Eryurt M.

Published 15 January 2020 Europe

theme pic for article 5457
Original Research

A mandatory bonding service program and its effects on the perspectives of young doctors in Nepal

Tamang B, Poudel PK, Karki SJ, Gautam R.

Published 14 January 2020 Asia

theme pic for article 4452
Original Research

Chronic condition risk factor change over time in a remote Indigenous community

Strate K, Brimblecombe J, Maple-Brown L, Garrngulkpuy J, Maypilama E, Scarlett M, O'Dea K, Barr EL.

Published 13 January 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 5436
Original Research

Perceptions and management of postpartum haemorrhage among remote communities in Lao PDR

Hose I, Durham J, Phengsavanh A, Sychareun V, Vongxay V, Xaysomphou D, Rickart K.

Published 10 January 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 5306
Original Research

Feasibility and acceptability of internet-delivered parent–child interaction therapy for rural Australian families: a qualitative investigation

Kohlhoff J, Cibralic S, Horswood D, Turnell A, Maiuolo M, Morgan S.

Published 10 January 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 5308
Original Research

Environmental factors associated with diarrhoea prevalence among under-five children in the Mataniko settlements in Honiara, Solomon Islands

Gali A, Krishna K, Lowry J, Mohammadnezhad M.

Published 7 January 2020 Australasia

theme pic for article 5530
Original Research

Depression and binge drinking in farm and non-farm rural adults in Saskatchewan, Canada

Janzen B, Karunanayake C, Rennie D, Lawson J, Dosman JA, Pahwa P.

Published 7 January 2020 North America

theme pic for article 5185
Original Research

Critical discourse analysis of policies impacting the intersection of health and experiences of intimate partner violence for rural women in Ontario, Canada

Mantler T, Jackson KT, Walsh EJ.

Published 6 January 2020 North America

theme pic for article 4508
Review Article

Organophosphate exposure and the chronic effects on farmers: a narrative review

Perry J, Cotton J, Rahman M, Brumby SA.

Published 6 January 2020 Australasia

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Managing multisystem parechovirus infection in a neonate

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WONCA Asia Pacific Region Conference 2025: Primary Care Transformation; Implementing High-value, High-quality Care!, 24–27 April 2025, Busan Korea
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9th European Young Family Doctors' Movement (EYFDM Forum), 25–27 April 2025, Grande Région
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The Global Advanced Practice Summit: Improving Healthcare and Building Global Collaboration, 13 May 2025, online
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NRHA 30th Health Equity Conference, 19–20 May 2025, Atlanta, GA, USA
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NRHA 48th Annual Rural Health Conference, 20–23 May 2025, Atlanta, GA, USA
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2025 International Rural Nursing Conference, 27–30 May 2025, Arlington, TX, USA
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BC Rural Health Conference 2025, 6–8 June 2025, Prince George, BC, Canada
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4th International Indigenous Health & Wellbeing Conference 2025, 16–19 June 2025, Adelaide Convention Centre, Kaurna Country, Australia
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Rethinking Remote 2025: Scotland's Rural Health Conference
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16th National Allied Health Conference: Empowering lives, shaping healthcare, 11–14 August 2025, Adelaide, Australia
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WONCA World Conference 2025: New Vision for Primary Health Care and Sustainable Development, 17–21 September 2025, Lisbon, Portugal
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NRHA 23rd Rural Health Clinic Conference, 23–24 September 2025, Kansas, MO, USA
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2025 Health Leadership Congress, 22–24 October 2025, Darwin, Australia
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Rural Mental Health Conference 2025 (RMHC25), 5–7 November 2025, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
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4th EURACT Medical Education Conference, 23–25 April 2026, Iasi, Romania
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18th National Rural Health Conference, 14–17 September 2026, Adelaide, SA, Australia

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